Tips and Tricks for Staying Organized As a Writer

Who am I kidding? 

I'm the last person out there to give any kind of tips on being organized. HAHA. 

See this picture? This is so not my house, lol!! (picture courtesy of

But in all reality, I've had to learn a lot, because organization doesn't come easily to me. One thing that I've found helpful is having places to put things. 

If you need a place to put something? Get one! I used to be really reserved about this. I used to stick my heels in and justify it away, that I didn't want to spend money on things like that. 

But last year, before Covid, I went into a friend's house, someone who is incredibly more organized than I am, and I think I just needed to *see* organization in action. Her home was so lovely. It wasn't brand new or fancy. But it was clean and put together. It was organized, and I could tell she had a special knack for it. 

Now, granted, this post is about being organized as a writer. She was a homeschool mom, and the things she had organized were homeschool things, but still, I absolutely loved the way everything in her little school room had its own place. Everything was labeled, everything had a little cubby of some sort (in some cases, this was nothing more than those plastic drawer things you can get at Walmart). It was a breath of fresh air, really, and I found I wanted my life to be a little more like that! 

So what did I do?

Now, I use a shelf in my office to keep my paperbacks. On this shelf I also store various notebooks I've used to plot my stories. I also got a handy dandy set of plastic drawers from yep, Walmart. I keep papers I need in there. 

I also got a cute bin from a garage sale and keep all of my SWAG (author bookmarks, postcards, character cards, book stuff I like to give out at book signings) in that. 

Last of all, I found a sturdy case with wheels to keep items I use at book signings and that's parked next to my shelf. Ta da!! Organization! 

So wherever you are, start there! Give in and buy that cute caddy or stylish bin or even the plastic drawers. Start with one thing and move on from there. :D 

I'd love to hear what your tricks are! 
